

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Gado- gado

Gado-gado is one food that originated from Indonesia in the form of vegetables are boiled and blended into one, with a seasoning or sauce of crushed peanuts with sliced ​​egg and fried onions sprinkled on top. Little fried chips or crackers (some are taking prawn crackers) was also added.

Gado-gado can eat just like a salad with herbs / peanut sauce, but also can be eaten with white rice or sometimes also served with rice cake.

Many restaurant that began wanting to sell enough of these foods, because making an easy and fairly cheap price of manufacture, but with a delicious flavor and much liked by all circles.

No exception on this one mother named Mrs. Upie, in a single day turnover reached Rp.500.000, -. by simply displaying a window he can peddle various types of vegetable raw material of gado-gado. Stalls which Jakarta is located in rural areas are very popular with locals.

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