

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Pancake sometimes called srabi or Surabi is one of the snack food or snacks that originated from Indonesia. Similar to pancake pancakes (Pannekoek or pannenkoek) but made from rice flour (not flour) and given a sweet liquid sauce (usually from sugar palm). This sauce varies according to regions in Indonesia. The area is famous for its cakes serabinya Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Pekalongan and Navan which each has its own uniqueness. There is also a famous Arab Surabi because of its uniqueness is found in the city of Bogor.
If you buff snacks, pancake puff a fat and warm it could be anticipated as the evening snack. Just choose the sauce, gravy durian, jackfruit, or pandanus. Hmm ... tender tasty and yummy. This snack does have several versions. One is the famous pancake pancake Solo and Bandung. The difference between the two lies in the materials and manner of presentation. Solo pancake batter made from rice flour and coconut milk. Printed with an iron skillet with a thin dough around its perimeter so that the 'lace'. Pancake is placed on a piece of banana leaf and without sauce. Topping of thick coconut milk with added meisjes, jackfruit slices and cheese.
Well, if pancake Bandung itself consists of a mixture of flour and rice flour and coconut milk. Ways of making pancake griddle Bandung was wearing a tiny one made of iron or clay. Some say if you use the clay pancake flavor and aroma is more enjoyable. Pancake Bandung has a smooth texture pores on its surface and can also be made with additional pandan so the color green.
This type of pancake syrup of palm sugar or gravy is quite diverse there who wear brown sugar coconut milk, but there are also soup durian, jackfruit sauce, or gravy pandanus. It all depends on the tastes of residence selected. Since the pancake is usually small in size, then the snacks are usually sold in plastic-plastic with the contents of 3-4 fruits pancakes per pack. This most delicious pancake eaten while still warm puff with marinade sauce and a glass of hot tea

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