Uduk Rice is the name of a kind of food made from raw material diaron white rice and steamed with coconut milk from the grated coconut, and spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass and pepper leaves. This food is then served with fried chips, fried tofu, egg omelet / fried eggs that have been sliced, shredded, dried tempeh, fried onions, fried chicken, cucumber and peanut sauce from. These foods are usually more often sold in the morning for breakfast and evening to eat malam.Pada night, usually rice uduk pecel catfish sold in the shop, that shop that sells rice uduk along with side dishes, such as catfish, carp, grilled chicken and fried, and others.
Among the eminent citizens of Jakarta uduk rice, one of which it is legendary hawkers who have decades of "entrenched" in kawasanPondok Pumpkin. Who is not familiar with Ani mak uduk rice at Jalan Pinang overhang the morning open it? UsahaMak Ani, now continued by his brothers.
Ani Rice uduk Mak really is not much different with rice uduk in general. Savory rice, all cooked separately because grain with coconut milk, and very tasty. Sauces at least two kinds, namely-sambal chili onions and peanut sauce. Uduk also characterized by fragrant rice, so the audience really feels the sensation of pol. Fragrant aroma, sweet savory flavor.